Engage Yvonne as Your Board Member
Why Yvonne?
Because of her involvement in so many communities, Yvonne brings with her a diverse world in myriad of ways, on a background of her GAICD qualifications and many years of board and community experience. Engaging her as your Board member will bring diversity of thought to your board room. This, in turn, will enhance your business and your engagement with your communities.
Professional Qualifications

Australian Institute of Company Directors
Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (G.A.I.C.D.)
Boards And Councils

Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists
Fellow of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists (F.R.A.N.Z.C.R.)
Present and Past Roles include
Elected Non-Executive Director on Board of Directors
Elected Councillor of the Faculty of Clinical Radiology
Chairman of various Committees
Present and Past portfolios include Appointments, Media, Communications, Education

Order of Australia Association
Deputy Chairman, Order of Australia Association, Victoria Branch

Therapeutic Goods Administration
Advisory Committee on Medical Devices

Lung Foundation Australia

National Health and Medical Research Council

Adult Community Further Education Regional Council

Boroondara Eisteddfod Advisory Committee